Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Who Wants to be a Socialist?

clip_image001Last week Jeff and I were talking about Watson (the IBM supercomputer) as a result of a visit by a friend from France who works for a large telecom company. He is a corporate IT guy, a socialist AND believes super computers will make huge inroads within the next few years. (including medicine--his example was oncology--and investments, and law, and engineering.)

Monday, January 20, 2014

As Good As It Gets

nun picture
On the phone today with a 92 year old retired nun--(is that possible?)—she said—“you have no idea how important these conversations are to me.  You give me the courage to keep on going.”  WOW!  I immediately got up from my desk and proclaimed—“It’s time to go home cuz it can’t get any better than that.”