Friday, April 17, 2020

True American

True AmericanYesterday I was having a conversation with a 31-year employee of a locally-owned service business. Business is good, and they are very financially responsible people. I was talking to him about how it’s often hard to see what's really going on in the economy from our secure bubble. To which he replied: 

“Look, Troy, when I make or win a sale, I create business to bring into the company where men and women in the manufacturing plant take steel and put it in the machines that make equipment that we then sell all around the world. Then those employees take their paychecks home and they buy groceries, make house payments, and move their lives ahead one month at a time. Now what is wrong with that?”

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

They Were There When We Needed Them

Yesterday morning I walked into the conference room to meet with Karen in our office. On the table was a box of tissue left there from a meeting the day before.

It reminded me of something I read recently about the value of ongoing financial planning where a client was reported to have said, "They were there when we needed them."  

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Just Doing Our Job, Ma'am

Just Doing Our Job, Ma'amRecently we got a call from a client who just lost her job. She was telling us how much she appreciated being in the position she was, due in part because of work we had done over a year ago when her job seemed secure.  This is a common comment to which we always say the same thing:

"That's just financial planning and we're just doing our job."