Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Giving Up the American Dream

I overheard a story yesterday referring to the "American Dream". We all have our own personal opinions about what that might mean but I wonder what it would look like if we considered ALL of the major decisions we make in life as to whether they ADD TO or TAKE AWAY FROM Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

One of the ways I often think about these things is to say something like--How would this work if we were in an Indian Tribe? Or Ok--this works great one time but would it work great 5 times or 5000 times? This helps give me a frame of reference in the context of the larger community and a longer time horizon.

The "American Dream" story was about vietnamese immigrants who have prospered greatly across the USA in the nail salon business. They found a niche, do excellent work, in convenient locations, at a great price--any wonder why they are meeting with success?

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