Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The magazine in this picture came today and prompted me to read the cover article.  One advantage we "advisors" have is that we get to see what is behind the so called advice being given.  In this particular case we have a publication called--"Advisor Today", published by the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, with a cover article referring to "producers" and what they "sell".   

It is no wonder the public is so confused about who really offers ADVICE.  What WE would say we sell is--1) service; 2) relationships; 3)  healthy decision making assistance; 4)  objective advice without product influence; 5) trust; 6) organization and simplification; 7) life long learning and continuity...

Unfortunately the actual article in the magazine was a laundry list of insurance products all with their unique reasons why they are SOLD by the top PRODUCERS.  Additionally, the CEO of the association was clear to point out that her top reason for being is to lobby congress on behalf of the members.  Not to help them become better advisors but instead to protect the industry members they represent against change. 

Some day soon it would be my hope that sales people will be proud of the job they do but not confuse that with objective advice.  This magazine cover is an icon of conflict and a sign, I hope, that change is coming. 

PS--there was also reference in the "advisor today" magazine to customers looking for guarantees from insurance products while in a previous blog post--"A Tale of 3 Annuity Policy Owners"--mentions that insurance companies are getting out of the guarantee business. 

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