Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Smoke, Beer, Pawn--Oh Boy!

Is it just me and I am driving around the "wrong" parts of town or are their really more discount cigarette, liquor stores and pawn shops than ever before here in OKC?  Maybe it is true what my father-in-law used to say--"Invest in liquor stores.  People drink when they're happy and they drink when they are sad."  IF the same is true for cigarettes, and pawn shops are where the money comes from--I guess it all makes sense now.

We should probably add to that list--resale shops and nail salons.  I contacted the State of Oklahoma to ask about the numbers of licensed pawn shops and liquor stores--curious to know if their really are more or if I am just noticing them.  Well--as it happens according to the powers that be:

Liquor stores in 1997     596
                        2011    646

Pawn Shops       1997    309
                        2012    313

This hardly makes my case.  Guess I'll have to look elsewhere for anecdotal evidence that a conspiracy to take over strip malls is under way;-)

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