Leaving Wednesday for France for two weeks vacation!! Last night I was asked by a farm girl in her 80's to be sure and let her know what they are growing over there and what people really think about their new Prime Minister. Since we are getting to stay in a small town with long-time friends it will be a great opportunity to see what it is REALLY like in the Euro Zone. I am hoping for everyone that the news reporters are making "it" out to be much worse than it really is.
I'll let you know in a couple of weeks...till then Au Revoire (with an Okie accent of course)
This post has been sitting in draft mode for a few weeks but I still think it is worth mentioning in a meaningless information sort of way. On May 28th one of the largest law firms in the world filed for bankruptcy. Dewey and LeBoeff gave it up and turned the pension plans over to the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation with an estimated $80 million dollars underfunded liability.
NOTHING inthe recently confirmed "Obama Healthcare Plan", in my opinion, really addresses living a healthy life and enjoying the benefits or consequences of your choices. Somewhere along the way the reimbursement of MEDICAL Expenses has become known as HEALTH insurance.
What we have done, I'm afraid, is to systematically
It takes approximately 34--5 gallon jugs of water in order to produce enough wheat for one loaf of bread
Troy Boy (as my family calls me)
Troy E. Jones, Certified Financial Planner™, is president and founder of Access Financial Resources in Oklahoma Ciy. To be so young :-) it is hard to believe he has been serving the financial planning needs of clients since 1982.