Attached is the Promissory Note indicating your truck is PAID OFF!!! Yee Haw!!! Celebrate the freedom of no payment, no working for the man, knowing that discipline and commitment paid off and equals WHEELS! Keep saving the payment each month and you’ll be ready for the next vehicle when it’s time.
A mom, grandmother, and respected client says parents owe their children 4 things—
1) Good work ethic—(the discipline of working to pay off the truck)
2) Good education—(the knowledge you gained from working AND paying off the truck)
3) Good self image—(how you must feel knowing YOU paid off the truck)
4) Good relationship with God—(the peace and integrity of being in line with God’s wishes and keeping your promises with a good heart)
How can we help inspire kids and help spread these 4 things around the world? (and especially Washington)
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