1. Coronavirus is NOT what you get after drinking too much Mexican Beer, as a long-term friend recently suggested. His comment was something like: "…It’s nothing new. I have lived through many episodes in my life – sometimes several in the same weekend.”
2. See about getting an extra supply of necessary medications. It appears that MOST generic prescription drugs are manufactured in India, and 70% of the ingredients used to make those drugs come from China.
3. Any other specialty items you might need for quality of life could be ordered since our world operates on what is referred to as JUST IN TIME INVENTORY (meaning nothing extra in the back room since the next truck is coming tomorrow anyway – or not.) This could include medical devices, food items, nutritional supplements, etc.
4. I just met with a client who yesterday had a camera installed on his corporate computer. Another friend is part of an international group hosting an online conference in an attempt to help people connect without having to travel. I have been having meetings via video recently while recovering from shoulder surgery. See about getting more video savvy so you can stay connected to your peeps without having to travel. (Zoom, Skype, Facetime, Microsoft Teams are all examples of technology to accomplish video conferencing.)
5. Consider an extra supply of food basics in case we have a local outbreak and you don’t want to get out into the community to shop.
6. Keep a little extra cash on hand so you can avoid needing to go to the bank or ATM.
7. If you are or have someone elderly or medically compromised in your family, remember they are the ones most at risk from this epidemic. Keep them home and keep others away since transmission of the illness seems to be rather easy.
Think in terms of a few weeks for these items, not a few years for these items. IF things get so bad that we are locked down for months or years then I am not really sure how to deal with that – and few others will be either.
Good luck out there! And let’s hope Global Warming kicks in and slows this thing down SOON.
** All written content is for information purposes only. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources. No representations are made by our firm as to another parties’ informational accuracy or completeness. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with an advisor, accountant or legal counsel prior to implementation. **
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