Thursday, December 10, 2015

Do You Know a Muslim?

In Nashville recently I noticed how many different religious beliefs 
US Army reservist Shareda Hosein proudly wears her uniform. Even as the Army continually turns down her application to be the first female Muslim chaplain in the military, Shareda has no regrets about the 20+ years she’s dedicated to her service. [article]
20 year Muslim Reservist
were represented by the people attending what I refer to as the cosmic financial planners group.  There were Mormons, Christians, Quakers, Bahai, Buddhist, and agnostics to name a few. I wasn't aware that I was searching this information out but instead just noticed this in reflection after the recent comments about Muslims from Donald Trump.

In a previous blog from awhile back I compared Oklahoma City to Damascus, Syria.  There were many common themes regarding the regular people of each city.  My guess is the comparison would NOT be similar today.  One thing hasn't changed though and that is how the saying "If a million people die it is a statistic.  If one person dies it is a tragedy." 

Above is a picture
of an American military member who is a loyal contributing American Muslim. One person. The term Muslims is like, all ya'll, and those people, and all liberals think X, or all conservatives think Y--it is an impersonal statistic.   

Best I can tell I know one Muslim on a personal basis.  She is a doctor with 3 children and is a loving, caring, educated, contributing member of our local community.  I can say this for me--if she and her family were trying to survive by moving from Syria to OKC I would be more than happy to have them live with me.  

This experience of course makes me susceptible to harboring a bad person but isn't that what made America great?  EVERYONE got to come from EVERYWHERE--some out of greed, some out of fear.

Let's all make an attempt to get to know a Muslim and improve our chances of making it harder on "them" to want to kill Americans. 

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