We are watching the slow disintegration of Europe's political and financial safety net that it so carefully constructed after WWII to ensure that it would never have a reason for war within its borders again. It is clear that there is no escape from the global consequences, though we cannot discern what those consequences will be. We are living in an era of epochal change (think "fall of the Roman empire" or "discovery and exploitation of America"). We don't have a choice in the matter and there's nowhere to hide where we would be protected from the fallout.
The likelihood that the future won't look the way you imagined it is quite high. That doesn't mean that you'll be tossed onto the garbage heap of life, and have nothing to look forward to but some version of the End of the World as We Know It (as depicted in so many movies) but it does mean that you shouldn't cling to your expectations or your sense of what's due you. Life isn't fair, and for most of history people have had to live with what we consider to be extreme uncertainty. We were the unfortunate generation that came to believe that life owed us everything, and that "every day in every way things are getting better". Not so. We are now having to come to terms with the reality that we are no different from any other generation of people who have lived on this earth, and no more in control of our lives than they.
However, we do have control over the choices that are presented to us (there are always choices) and it is in making prudent choices that we can affect our personal outcomes and those of the people closest to us. For some time now I've been talking about FLEXIBILITY and CUSHION. You'll need both to successfully navigate the rapids we find ourselves in.
The likelihood that the future won't look the way you imagined it is quite high. That doesn't mean that you'll be tossed onto the garbage heap of life, and have nothing to look forward to but some version of the End of the World as We Know It (as depicted in so many movies) but it does mean that you shouldn't cling to your expectations or your sense of what's due you. Life isn't fair, and for most of history people have had to live with what we consider to be extreme uncertainty. We were the unfortunate generation that came to believe that life owed us everything, and that "every day in every way things are getting better". Not so. We are now having to come to terms with the reality that we are no different from any other generation of people who have lived on this earth, and no more in control of our lives than they.
However, we do have control over the choices that are presented to us (there are always choices) and it is in making prudent choices that we can affect our personal outcomes and those of the people closest to us. For some time now I've been talking about FLEXIBILITY and CUSHION. You'll need both to successfully navigate the rapids we find ourselves in.